Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Dark Tournament

Dark Tournament Lv.1Edit

DarkRound TerraRound NatureRound PureDark11,800
PetroleumRound FlameRound DarkRound PureSea10,750
NeonRound SeaRound NatureRound PureElectric1850
Reward: 2Gem template and 5,500Gold Bar Icon
Strategy: First hit the Dark with an Terra or Nature Dragon. At level 10 this should one hit KO the first opponent. The Petroleum is weak against Flame and Dark attacks, so at level 10 an attack should dispatch him in two hits if he doesn't finish you first. If he does, a second strong Flame or Flame/Terra Dragon is recommended in your queue. The Neon is weak against Nature and Sea attacks.

Dark Tournament Lv.2Edit

DarkRound TerraRound NatureRound PureDark10,400
ZombieRound ElectricRound DarkRound PureMetal11,750
HedgehogRound IceRound MetalRound PureTerra11,900
Reward: 2Gem template and 11,500Gold Bar Icon
Strategy: Nature or Terra for Dark, Ice or Metal for Hedgehog, and Electric or Dark for Zombie.

Dark Tournament Lv.3Edit

PetroleumRound FlameRound DarkRound PureSea2700
HedgehogRound IceRound MetalRound PureTerra1400
NeonRound SeaRound NatureRound PureElectric2800
Reward: 2 Gem template and 17,500Gold Bar Icon
Strategy: Use Flame against Petroleum, Ice or Metal against Hedgehog, and Nature against Neon.
  • If you are still capped at Level 15, it is not impossible to win, but it will be very hard and you are unlikely to get much further than this battle without getting to Level 20 cap.
  • If you have Level 15 Legendary Dragons they work great!
  • If you have Armadillo Dragons level 15 (2 bronze stars) with Ninja Stars and Asteroids, Neon and Hedgehog will be easily defeated. Asteroids for Neon, Ninja Stars for Hedgehog.

Dark Tournament Lv.4Edit

PirateRound TerraRound NatureRound PureDark29
ZombieRound ElectricRound DarkRound PureMetal25
PooRound IceRound MetalRound PureTerra75
Reward: 2 Gem template and 2,500Gold Bar Icon
Strategy: Take a strong plant dragon, like a Gummy, against the Pirate. A strong Neon dragon against the Zombie will deal great damage and provide good resistance. To beat the Poo dragon, a strong Armadillo or Soccer dragon will do the trick. Or, you can just take a level 18 Pure anything and defeat all three with just the one dragon.

Dark Tournament Lv.5Edit

VenomRound IceRound MetalRound PureTerra18
Pure Dark---212
Dark FireRound TerraRound NatureRound PureDark108
Reward: 2 Gem template and 9,500Gold Bar Icon
Strategy: For Venom, use Cool Fire Dragon's Cyrogenic Freeze/Snow Storm. For Pure Dark, continue using Cool Fire until it is defeated and then switch to Armadillo Dragon. For Dark Fire, use Armadillo Dragon's Tumble Weed. For an additional spare, add a Gummy Dragon/Lantern Fish Dragon.

Dark Tournament Lv.6Edit

FossilRound TerraRound NatureRound PureDark3010,000
BatRound TerraRound NatureRound PureDark308,000
Round IceRound MetalRound PureTerra3010,000
Reward: 2 Gem template and 35500Gold Bar Icon
Strategy:  Armadillo all the way, be wary of Fossil's Ice attacks, a powerful Gummy dragon shall be taken into battle here too, Pure Metal will be good too.
For Fossil and Bat, use Armadillo Dragon's Tumble Weed/Asteroid and for Wizard, use Soccer's Cyrogenic Freeze. At minimum, your dragons should be level 15. Add Gummy for an additional spare.

3 komentar:

    bagi yang mau beli gems DRAGONCITY ini daftar harganya
    -1000 gems +food gold 10000pls (im3)
    -2000 gems +food gold 15000 pls(im3)
    -5000 gems +food gold25000 pls (im3)
    -10000 gems +food gold 30000 pls (im3)
    -20000 gems +food gold40000 pls (im3)
    kirim nomer ini ya kalo pesan 085733303394
    n ini
    fb id:

    Cara Mencari User Key for Dragon City
    1. Buka Dragon City
    2. Buka Cheat Engine nya (CE)
    3. Pilih Proccess List Yang Cocok, Jika menggunakan Crome akan Muncul banyak Address. Pilih yg paling bawah.. Jika memakai Flash Player, Pilih Flash player yg ke dua
    4. Ganti Value 4 Bytes menjadi String / Text
    5. Jika sudah Scan Kode berikut : user_key
    6. Pilih Address Yang Paling Atas lalu klik Kanan pilih menu Browse This Memory Region
    7. Lalu Copy Kode Berikut
    8. User_key=Blablabla [ Blabla = User Key mu ]

    atau kalo masih bingung lihat video ini

    bagi yang mau beli gems DRAGONCITY ini daftar harganya
    -1000 gems +food gold 10000pls (im3)
    -2000 gems +food gold 15000 pls(im3)
    -5000 gems +food gold25000 pls (im3)
    -10000 gems +food gold 30000 pls (im3)
    -20000 gems +food gold40000 pls (im3)
    kirim nomer ini ya kalo pesan 085733303394
    n ini
    fb id:

    Cara Mencari User Key for Dragon City
    1. Buka Dragon City
    2. Buka Cheat Engine nya (CE)
    3. Pilih Proccess List Yang Cocok, Jika menggunakan Crome akan Muncul banyak Address. Pilih yg paling bawah.. Jika memakai Flash Player, Pilih Flash player yg ke dua
    4. Ganti Value 4 Bytes menjadi String / Text
    5. Jika sudah Scan Kode berikut : user_key
    6. Pilih Address Yang Paling Atas lalu klik Kanan pilih menu Browse This Memory Region
    7. Lalu Copy Kode Berikut
    8. User_key=Blablabla [ Blabla = User Key mu ]

    atau kalo masih bingung lihat video ini

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