Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

Sapphire Tournament

Sapphire Tournament Lv.1Edit

GummyRound TerraRound IceRound PureNature74,250
BatteryRound SeaRound NatureRound PureElectric92,850
PenguinRound FlameRound MetalRound PureIce82,700
Reward: Gem template and 4,500Gold Bar Icon
Strategy: Gummy is weak to Terra and Ice type attacks. Open with a Dragon with very high HP and has at least one Terra type attack, such as an Alpine or Vulcano. The Battery is much lower in HP so a strong attack of Sea orNature may drop it in two shots if not in one. Last is the Penguin. The Penguin is weak against Flame and Metal. You will definitely want to have a Waterfall in your team at least level 10 because of its high HP and strong Terra type attacks and maybe a Tropical to take advantage of the Nature weaknesses in two of the enemies.

Sapphire Tournament Lv.2Edit

GummyRound TerraRound IceRound PureNature135,750
DandelionRound TerraRound IceRound PureNature144,000
LaserRound SeaRound ElectricRound PureFlame153,750
Reward: Gem template and 10,500Gold Bar Icon
Strategy: Use Terra or Ice for Gummy and Dandelion such as Alpine. Use Electric or Sea against Laser like Storm.

Sapphire Tournament Lv.3Edit

Carnivore PlantRound TerraRound IceRound PureNature194,350
SoccerRound FlameRound MetalRound PureIce217,750
GoldRound ElectricRound DarkRound PureMetal206,000
Reward: Gem template and 16,500Gold Bar Icon
Strategy: Use Flame or Metal for Soccer such as Medieval Dragon, Electric for Gold like Gummy, and Ice forCarnivore Plant like Platinum Dragon

Sapphire Tournament Lv.4Edit

RattlesnakeRound TerraRound NatureRound PureDark257000
GummyRound TerraRound IceRound PureNature269000
PlatinumRound ElectricRound DarkRound PureMetal277400
Reward: Gem template and 22500Gold Bar Icon
Strategy: For Rattlesnake use a Gummy Dragon , for Gummy use a Soccer Dragon and for Platinum use a Pirate Dragon.
Your dragons should all be at least at level 15.

Sapphire Tournament Lv.5Edit

Hot Metal Nature,Sea308,000
Reward: Gem template and 28,500Gold Bar Icon
The cactus comes up first. So a strong dragon like Soccer, Cool Fire, or Pure Ice will finish off cactus.
Next comes Hot Metal. Use Petroleum Dragon, Storm or Flooding or use Gummy dragon with a Nature attack.
Finally its Snowflake. If you still have Soccer, Cool Fire, Pure Ice alive u can easily sweep this battle.

Sapphire Tournament Lv.6Edit

ButterflyRound TerraRound IceRound PureNature308,000
Pure Ice---3012,000
Pure Electric---3012,000
Reward: 2 Gem template and 34,500Gold Bar Icon
Strategy: Use Armadillo's Asteroid against Butterfly. For Pure Ice, use Soccer's Magma Storm and for Pure Electric, use Gummy's Rottening Spell. For the Pures, it should take 2 hits.
At minimum your dragons should be at level 20 and it's always good to have Rank Stars.

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